Well come to the end of this stage, since that March 8, 2008 where we played our first game (The Gazebo vs Los Pibes FC), until now, the end of 2009, we can say perhaps during the journey, find the best team or the best way to play but if we find the best people, good comrades and best friends in and more importantly, off the court. As we said let's take a recess until the time indereminado want to meet us back together again on a court together forming the kiosk.
We leave you with the statistics after these 2 years Year 2008 :
League: 3rd in group stage - Eliminated in the group stage (2nd place) .
Team: Facundo
Veliz ( 1) Cristian
Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 ) Leandro
Furlanetto ( 8 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 ) Leandro
Furlanetto ( 8 )
League: 6th place groups being Eliminated round.
Muñoa Luciano (1 )
Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Julian Escorza ( 6 )
Mundialito: 1st place in group stage - Removed Quarterfinals.
Paul Nahra (1 )
Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Julian Escorza ( 6 )
Year 2009:
League: Runner
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1) Cristian
Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3 )
Lautaro Fernandez ( 9 )
Mundialito: Champion
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1 )
Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3)
Lautaro Fernandez ( 9 )
League: Champion
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1) Cristian
Anello (5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3 ) Facundo
Russomanno ( 11 )
Match History 2008/2009:
Matches Played: 86
Matches Won: 65
Matches Tied: 5
Matches Lost: 16
Goals Scored: 640
Goals Against: 356
Goal difference: 284
The Kiosk.