Monday, December 28, 2009

Cervix Position Before Your Period

continued ... Again

Well come to the end of this stage, since that March 8, 2008 where we played our first game (The Gazebo vs Los Pibes FC), until now, the end of 2009, we can say perhaps during the journey, find the best team or the best way to play but if we find the best people, good comrades and best friends in and more importantly, off the court. As we said let's take a recess until the time indereminado want to meet us back together again on a court together forming the kiosk.
We leave you with the statistics after these 2 years

Year 2008 :

League: 3rd in group stage - Eliminated in the group stage (2nd place) .
Team: Facundo
Veliz ( 1) Cristian

Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 ) Leandro
Furlanetto ( 8 )

League: 6th place groups being Eliminated round.
Muñoa Luciano (1 )

Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Julian Escorza ( 6 )

Mundialito: 1st place in group stage - Removed Quarterfinals.
Paul Nahra (1 )

Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Julian Escorza ( 6 )

Year 2009:

League: Runner
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1) Cristian

Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3 )
Lautaro Fernandez ( 9 )

Mundialito: Champion
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1 )

Cristian Anello ( 5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3)
Lautaro Fernandez ( 9 )

League: Champion
Team: Lucas
Farach ( 1) Cristian

Anello (5 )
Pano Maximiliano (10 )
Javier de Pierro ( 7 )
Leandro Furlanetto ( 8 )
Guido Dahir ( 3 ) Facundo
Russomanno ( 11 )

Match History 2008/2009:

Matches Played: 86
Matches Won: 65
Matches Tied: 5
Matches Lost: 16
Goals Scored: 640
Goals Against: 356
Goal difference: 284

The Kiosk.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Projector Screen Wrinkels

soup!. Date 16th 17th

As many things happened in less than 1 week for items going to separate things, as it should be: ●

started by the fools: To all the jerks that nozzle that if we won no we were living out of the house, yesterday we left alive and with new sets. We realized that of the lip are all males but in the end are good whores because they do not appear, even if they put they name and posing as others. Also for all the fools who said we were chest cold, bitter, wimp, crying, all that they say that we were the team that was champion 2 times and once again we shut the sunrise. After saying that we do not have more respect and blah blah, understand that sucked NOS WE HAVE NO RESPECT OR IS A SOCCER TOURNAMENT IN THE FIELD AND YOU WILL NOT TALK TO SEE WHO IS MORE respectful, YOU WILL PLAY FOOTBALL AND RESPECT FOR WHAT YOU WANT IN THE FIELD winning games and playing good ball. FINGERS AND HAND COUNT ME COME TO TEAMS THAT WON THE RESPECT IN THE FIELD. All this gave us to understand that there are also people who are to fart and bard weapon, posing as bardian equipment to others to fight, things kids do, and are the same kids who ask to be better the tournament if better start you want to close your ass and play ball. We scored in the tournament and pay to go play games and win as all but we're not involved with the other teams because we are not interested, you gain nothing peliandote.

● Continue along THE PARTY: Well after so much whoring brothel and where we can say we have wrapped it's over everything with a happy ending. As for as presented in the previous World Club Cup, the final was repeated but this league rather than the area A. It was a game more than anything tactical than anything else, so came a close game with few goals but cute at the end game, where both we and they tubieron chanse goal so we can say that it was even, at times was hot but without the intention of hitting the bad milk. Idk if it was for them a friendly or not as they said, perhaps jokingly, but we might not play well and we could take the match with a score of 4 to 2. ●

continue with the "fight" After what happened off the pitch nose well because it was, but the friend of ours who stick it never said anything, silver silver and it was not only nothing else, but to say said nothing and did not say to defend it but there was confusing, but you've heard his nose No 8 but if I hear something I listen to the wrong person but good, and this already happened. We congratulate you because you are a very good team and play very well, I hope to be given in the next championships playing for 4 times and onions would be ugly even deserve 1 championship!. Oh and the card we forgot to order them, but like all good ta win, EYE IS LOST IF we were going to ASK jajjaja EEA (chisteeeeee). We turn to cross in 6 months if they return to the courts. ●

And we finish with the photo:


Top (left to right): Guido Dahir ( 3 ), Cristian Anello ( 5 ), Leandro Furlanetto ( 8), Lucas Farach ( 1 )
Below: Maximiliano Pano ( 10 ), Facundo Russomanno ( 11), Javier Depierro ( 7 )

The Gazebo.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Quotes To Put On A Wedding Koozie

The Gazebo.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What Do Zepose Pills Do

The Gazebo.