Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pinnacle Pctv Software 150e

The blog in the air kiosks with Tunisia

A single tap on the mouse of your computer and bam! we are in another world, in another area ... yes, surrounded by the same bed full of clothes, the same socks that we see on the table for a week and we are not able to carry the laundry, and same poster Keanu Reeves (in the case of children, Angelina Jolie) is already playing renew ... but still find ourselves transported to another place, a sort of cafeteria to chat with either a Chinese or with a Mexican or with an Eskimo (who knows, you may have a laptop in the igloo).

But of course, such a site, there is only a figment of my imagination, since all that is real is the computer screen in front of our private ros eyes and the modem that allows connection to the Internet ... well, and of course, those networks which travel from one end to another of the planet, but they are so discrete that neither are seen ... (the truth is that, if not so, but were cables, there is so that we could not go out or at home, because we would be caught up in them-a metaphor somewhat exaggerated on vast number of networks that exist-). However, should we consider the blog's a form of journalism? Maybe we can say that there are certain journalistic blogs, some of which "half" and others that are not radically? These issues remain in the air, exposed to cough type of response.

Before proceeding see this video which reflects the extent of phenomenon of the blogosphere in a Latin American country:

(on blog phenomenon in Peru)

What is certainly not in the air but is a reality is the incorporation of the same, the blog's to digital media. We can find them treated, from the most common issues and commented on in our everyday conversations (cinema, health, games, music ,...). Then there is a another blog that if little than broadcast by television and magazines, he dives into the private lives of Belén Esteban and other famosillos ( bakery is a fine example of this type of blogs published by Josep Sandoval .)

  • In the digital newspaper ABC.es find blogs as

Final Fatality (SIMPLE BLOG VIDEO)

Locos bajitos (HEALTH)

The Toaster (on discs and singers / musicians)

  • In La Vanguardia. is part of the blog heart already mentioned before, we can obtain interesting information through blogs as journals such as:

Paris Diary

American Journal America

  • Within The País.com worth noting:
Journal from Iraq (blog of the director of the National Library of Iraq, as a newspaper-)

Blog bloggers (he says the same word will inviting other bloggers)

Comics Journal (blog with commentary on comics)

Boomeran (g) Santiago Ronclagiolo (literary blog, among others)

and I particularly liked a photoblog ( Bindings ) of photographer Marta Pereyra, which will not only show pictures with meaning but moreover, they can be commented on by all choice, thus establishing a dialogue with the author of the blog.

monitoring is also notable that makes the director of the National Library of Iraq of what happens in the country, from what will aonteciendo between the walls of his library ( We have been without any electricity .[...] Mr. Q gave us more information on Librarian arrested. He said a group of armed men wearing uniforms of the Guardia National had gone to the house of Mr. J at 20.00. After to verify his identity was asked to accompany them. They let him change clothes. Now the family of Mr. J is concerned. )

are very original and parodies on the Internet and new technologies that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday offers Entrialgo Mauro in his blog.

  • The Mundo.es , meanwhile, elescorpión (a diary of a journalist in Tel Aviv), naturaBlog (a blog concerned with the environment), Sex and CiudadanoM (blog where you can participate as a citizen of Madrid, news, reviews, etc..) are most remarkable for its particularity.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What Kind Of Paint Inside Microwave?

... dunes, desert, cave-houses, slobbering camel, the tent, 4x4, remained in Tunisia and we had to come back ... but even experience and I think it's over never forget. Now we are left with photos, anecdotes, both have joined us all.

We can not complain because the weather accompanied us throughout the journey, in Hammamet (located in the north, where we stayed most of the days) and in the desert (in Tozeur, Douz, NAFTA, etc.).. The breathtaking landscapes, kind people (although some "weary" when to sell ...), adventure, etc. is what has made me take in Tunisia a very positive impression, contrary to what I could imagine before you go.

has been a journey of film. In fact, there are many filmmakers who have used those extensions, those remnants of the past that are still standing, etc. For example, the Roman amphitheater in the city of El Jem, the third largest in the world for a few months became the scene of "Gladiator", and you can also say that "Star Wars" have an air Tunisian .

I can not highlight anything because everything has been amazing (well, now I can not believe it was only two days ago across the Mediterranean, not only in another country, but nothing more and nothing less than another continent, in Africa) and just say one thing has been an unforgettable experience, both as a place for my teammates, and I appreciate very much all you've striven to make this trip a reality.

Father Helping Daughter Masterbate

Attacks the 11-s, 11-M, as well as in London did not stay where it unfortunately happened. They walked most of the world (the part which is connected to the network) thanks to those of you reading this right now, thanks to blogs.

But why go on a blog?
  • Finding out the facts with immediacy (even instantaneous).
  • The updating.
  • FREE service both to enter the blogs of others, as to create your own.
  • FAST.
  • Ability to view and / or read what interests you, ie "A LA CARTE".
  • possibilities for communicating and / or relationships with people at the other end of the world.

Here are some reasons why access to those areas that are not nothing but extractor of feelings, opinions, moods, as stated in the video that I linked below, and I recommend to have an overview http://video.google.es/videoplay?docid=4241376347493906046&q=blogs ... And it is this definition tells us that blogs are not news programs as such. Maybe they can be enriching to settle a position on an issue, or to express disagreement with someone else, however, we can not visit a blog thinking it's a newspaper, but given that we can be "victims" of cheating (although currently there are few things that you can trust).

With this fever for blogs, they tend to produce an effect or snowball vine, which is that if only a few who have visited a blog it today, tomorrow will comment, if they have found it interesting, with people in their environment (family, friends, family, etc.) what they have seen or read. So what at first was a fine two-wire network, soon becomes a large network of networks.

France and Spain leading the pack in terms of the proliferation of blogs. In fact, at this moment possibly millions of people are connected to the Internet and visiting a blog or updating yours, like me.

not about mass communication but communication individual mass. By this we mean that one person is transmitting a single message to millions of people, without even know who most of them.

Blogs, there are all kinds, with different contents: academics, news gathering ( http://buscanoticias.blogspot.com/ ), education ( http://blogicamente.blogspirit . com / : it is an interesting and original blog focused on the fight against the use of adverbs ending in-mind, or logs are also professors of our own university, for example this: http://jpmolina. wordpress.com / ), literary diaries, journalism (one of the best known is http://periodistas21.blogspot.com/ of journalist and media consultant Juan Varela), current affairs or debate ( http:/ / caspa.tv , etc.). However, many of them share one common feature: their authors have become citizen reporters , volunteers instead of social work as properly be understood (caring for the elderly, working with NGOs, etc. ), make it from their homes, sharing what they know.

Before, I mentioned the video "Fever diaries in the network, but also on You Tube we can find other interesting videos related to the phenomenon of blogs with the disadvantage, that language itself. Among them:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wake Board Behind Seadoo Challenger

happened in the Web 2.0 blog

Today, the kind of journalism on the Web, has been divided into two parts:
  • creating a blog, which is none other than the one you are reading now.
  • the world of Internet 2, and the penetration of new technologies in the information society.

I will focus on this last point is that we have discussed in teoría.Tengo to admit that today I heard for the first time Internet 2, and like many of you will not know what is, I explain: is a high-speed computer network involving more than 100 U.S. universities , but we can ask ourselves if we have Internet, why do we need another network? Simply because we offer better services, a large bandwidth, and we can be confident about our data, it provides greater privacy and security.

But of course, parallel to these developments that occur daily in the network, have formed and are still forming groups of intellectuals who either believe the Internet is very important for society, or opposed to new technologies, and of course there are those who are in an intermediate position.

Although, seeing that there are currents and therefore members of society who are opposed to new technologies, we could raise another question: the penetration of these, does increase or decrease? The truth is that this question can be answered graphically and looking at the data out of "eEspaña 2006" or "Report of the Telefonica Foundation in 2006." Are data such as that from 1995 to 2006 we have grown from 26 million users worldwide, to be 1.018 billion, more than 40% of EU citizens used the Internet at least once a week in 2005 whereas, focusing in Spain, access to the Internet has also been growing since the mid-90 (when users numbered 242) until 2005 (Date on which they were already 12 923), but also note that our country is not the ones that have evolved in this technology for the world as we stand between 20 and 35% penetration, exceeding not only much America but also in the Nordic countries, UK, Germany and others.

For its part, the mobile phone itself has visibly influenced the English because we have gone from a 50.93% inclusion in 1998 to 91.80% in the 2 nd quarter of 2005 (although we exceeded invatible, Sweden, with 100% penetration).

Although without doubt the most interesting are the social networking is the phenomenon of Web 2.0, the new stage in the advancement of the Internet. So far we only had evidence perhaps of the networks we build with our friends, colleagues, etc.., Ie those that are more natural, without embarso there is a whole "online community" that constitute what in English is called social networking (social networks, which are working in groups) . And if we are not even the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is sure he will understand better, citing examples such as "Wikipedia"-where all we ever wanted some information and we can contribute by writing about what's what know-"My space"-stands out above other social networking services - we create for our friends to see how we are and what we do, or "You Tube" that caused so much revolution last year with the campaign MTV's "I love Laura." And within this network, the blog phenomenon also has evolved significantly over time, being considered in Spain in 2005 as the year of "social visibility of blogs" with the adoption of this format by means of Internet communication. But what really makes blogging a social network is nothing more nor less than the fact that ordinary people like you and me can share virtual community with all our feelings, opinions, knowledge-in fact, the phenomenon has been promoted from conflicts like the war in Iraq, or following the U.S. election campaigns, "newspapers.

In short, we must recognize that we no longer move only through a world of "tangible" to some extent, but we have created a parallel world through which we can communicate virtually. And little or much as we love the Internet and other new technologies, we can not close our eyes to reality: the expansion is done every day more and us-let alone a journalist can not stay outside of it.