But why go on a blog?
- Finding out the facts with immediacy (even instantaneous).
- The updating.
- FREE service both to enter the blogs of others, as to create your own.
- Ability to view and / or read what interests you, ie "A LA CARTE".
- possibilities for communicating and / or relationships with people at the other end of the world.
Here are some reasons why access to those areas that are not nothing but extractor of feelings, opinions, moods, as stated in the video that I linked below, and I recommend to have an overview http://video.google.es/videoplay?docid=4241376347493906046&q=blogs ... And it is this definition tells us that blogs are not news programs as such. Maybe they can be enriching to settle a position on an issue, or to express disagreement with someone else, however, we can not visit a blog thinking it's a newspaper, but given that we can be "victims" of cheating (although currently there are few things that you can trust).
With this fever for blogs, they tend to produce an effect or snowball vine, which is that if only a few who have visited a blog it today, tomorrow will comment, if they have found it interesting, with people in their environment (family, friends, family, etc.) what they have seen or read. So what at first was a fine two-wire network, soon becomes a large network of networks.
France and Spain leading the pack in terms of the proliferation of blogs. In fact, at this moment possibly millions of people are connected to the Internet and visiting a blog or updating yours, like me.
not about mass communication but communication individual mass. By this we mean that one person is transmitting a single message to millions of people, without even know who most of them.
Blogs, there are all kinds, with different contents: academics, news gathering ( http://buscanoticias.blogspot.com/ ), education ( http://blogicamente.blogspirit . com / : it is an interesting and original blog focused on the fight against the use of adverbs ending in-mind, or logs are also professors of our own university, for example this: http://jpmolina. wordpress.com / ), literary diaries, journalism (one of the best known is http://periodistas21.blogspot.com/ of journalist and media consultant Juan Varela), current affairs or debate ( http:/ / caspa.tv , etc.). However, many of them share one common feature: their authors have become citizen reporters , volunteers instead of social work as properly be understood (caring for the elderly, working with NGOs, etc. ), make it from their homes, sharing what they know.
Before, I mentioned the video "Fever diaries in the network, but also on You Tube we can find other interesting videos related to the phenomenon of blogs with the disadvantage, that language itself. Among them:
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