The Blog: A new way of thinking
The fact that the convening a second edition of the Congress Blogs and Journalism on the Web, it's a sign of the importance that each year takes on the blogosphere, or Blogalaxia, as would Francis Pisani. precisely this journalist, who works at The Country (Madrid), Reform (Mexico), who has a blog in Le Monde (Paris), and whose articles have been published for more a hundred newspapers and magazines in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, has been one of the first speakers at the conference. Specifically, has focused on three metaphors that have been developed:
- the Blogalaxia
- blogs like the tip of an iceberg
- the blogger as pilot fish (small fish that guide the sharks) According Pisani, the Web 2.0 must be understood as a platform where everyone can modify the contents, which can always be broadband-connected, and has taken advantage of PARTICIPATION actually existed since the beginnings of the Internet, in short, a place where everyone can cater to our needs, when we want and we want, without any imposition. Therefore, Pisani says that blogs are only the tip of that big block of ice in the middle of the ocean beneath it lies a world of participation and interactivity. He has discovered many things, he says, through his own blog and have noticed that one of the shortcomings is the limited amount of content. Pisani distinguishes three types of content:
-the user, or eggnaut
, the wisdom of the crowd
"collective intelligence
And this latest one, says our speaker, is the one to make the most because as Tim said O'Railly, Web 2.0 ( term he himself created), improves the more people use it. It is therefore important that understanding of all as a global structure of thought that emerges from the collaborative processes of all users, and is that after all, that is the heart, the spirit of the universe 2.0. But, as in a human body, the heart pumps and the pump allows the other organs to function, in the virtual world, these other bodies might be, as Pisani stressed on "Web 2.0 : Three simple ideas, eight scales and a major challenge "indexing, diversity, knowledge, new journalism or citizen participation, among others. Web 2.0 represents a challenge radical media to the extent that it forces them to rethink both their online presence and its strategy for growth and even their role in society.
After that professional journalists have been present a number of professors worried about the relationship between education and journalism in the network. For example, Sonia Valle de Frutos, briefly presented a proposal for education in journalism, based on four blocks for further learning in two ways of looking at journalism: 1. Network information and 2. Journalistic genres in the network
3. Journalistic writing for the network
4. Digital journalism task
Four blocks which could be drawn as labels or tags should address, the following: information is not equal to wisdom, people think about concepts, credibility, and listen to alternative links find fonts.
Meanwhile we can also find parading by Professor Blogalaxia Prospero Moran , which express the sobresfuerzo than it has for a teacher to maintain a communication system via the blog with their students, as is the case, or that of our teacher Bárbara Yuste - has warned of poor previous education computer or certain basic applications Audacity-see-that college students have. He has also expressed concern about the small number of people-about 60% of participants who attend the Congress, which keep you updated a blog or blog. However, has emphasized the essential role that women has and will in this world of the web, be, according to some studies, the most put in the subject (which have more connection to the Internet, with more blogs, etc.). Finally, has blamed politicians (which is what always ends up doing the talk or discussion about a problem) finally claiming residence in the dictionary of the word "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" with merely? 12,900 entries.
We can not forget the teacher Yruela García and his vision of Web 2.0 as a challenge to creativity. N i the words of a scientist as Mazo Carlos Magro (Director of the Office of Scientific Information of the Community of Madrid), that have made us think of a Europe, which in addition to Justice, Equality and freedom, there should be a participatory democracy, a Europe in which the election (in terms of scientific, technological, etc.) also is in the hands of citizens. Occurs and in the Network, when the crisis occurred businesses. "Com", in 2001, which survived only knew how to incorporate interactivity. Does he know Europe also adapt? And after a quick look at what has meant the cyberradio return to the subject that really concerns us, around the question: "Journalism blog" new genus, new media, or simple alternative information? "
Perhaps the issue is not entirely well thought out," anything that promotes up a second conference may be considered simple ? At least this is what you think Juan Manuel Zafra , communications director . "sweeps Internet because it is free, participatory, universal, free, accessible and trendy .... "The online advertising spend in Spain amounts, as explained Zafra, € 310 million, 91% more than in 2005. And among these features Network listed by this reporter, that of the "free", and according to him, free media are in the lead (like those that give us every day with the subway station, thanks to train ,...) "everything free" which ushered in the Internet. "Things are changing! and blogs are the ultimate expression of this change, expression of multi-generational dialogue, multicultural and multinational. "Possibly the best rating, Juan Manuel Zafra, is the alternative. Although, regardless of whether the journalist publish news on his blog, what is clear is that a good journalist is the one at the service of citizens and contrasts their sources.
And the blog has evolved from a personal diary information carrier, as expressed by the teacher Universidad San Pablo CEU , Diego Horse. But despite the obvious and palpable the amount of information we obtained at the time of the news through Blogalaxia (as in 11-s, 11-M, wars, etc.), the question of whether journalism through the blog can be considered truly professional journalism still air. For example, Fernando Jauregui, editor and director of Diariocrí , online newspaper, which maintains a blog about politics, "Cenacle and liars" , has revealed his thinking. "Blogs are not journalism," said Jaúregui, and added that they only have to do with feelings, and at the bottom of all, loneliness. This view has led to disagreement José Manuel Cerezo , France Telecom Foundation, another speaker at the Congress (of which you can learn more by reading the interview he gave to the readers of ). According to Cherry, after many years of discussion we asking the same questions as always. "The blog is more than just a fashion blog is information", also explained that not only is that is linked to information but has an impact on society, and that's what makes it important in today's world. He may be right in saying that we lose ourselves in discussions on the blogosphere, about what is and what fails, when it really is not anything other than what is happening out there now.
And is not the only one who thinks the blogging universe beyond. "Blogs do not have to settle for being mere media, when they can be much more than that," said José Cervera , who has expressed his agreement with Jaúregui (which, he said, which may seem strange, different forms of thinking). And what do you mean beyond?, "Beyond what?. The explanation is found reading a newspaper, watch a television, or listening to a radio station. "The media has long been living, not reporting news, but to function as a kind of consciousness or" me "society." This journalist (ex-director of the free daily 20minutes, the medium in which now maintains the blog "withdraw" (science, technology and understands cartoons ...). so that nobody can counter is that there are millions of points of view, it is very difficult to find another person like us, and for this diversity is what Pepe Cervera argues that the concept of "mass media" is just one of those views simplifies the variety. "This is the brace of points of view" said, "corset blog has definitely broken." Now, as explained, the individual's relationship with society is no longer set in terms of consumption, but in terms of authorship (is that venture to which we referred to throughout this post, is that participatory democracy Carlos Magro speaking). And the blog, according Cervera is simply "a new way in which societies think."
its intervention ended the Second Congress of blogs and Web journalism. And we can finish this sentence: " People have more culture, more freedom of expression ..."
And if, as journalists, our concern is the possible demise of traditional media, we can always think Francis Pisani: "In the word newspaper, important thing is not the term paper but the word news."