However, since 2005 took place the World Summit on the Information Society and after approval in March last year by the General Assembly of the United Nations (Resolution A/RES/60/252 ), this day has become the "World Telecommunication and Information Society" (which in Spain is known as "Internet Day"), to to raise awareness around the world on the Internet and its importance to inform and be informed. Besides, this time the message is addressed specifically to young people, around the theme "connecting the young", because it is essential that they participate in the digital world and work with their contributions to the Information Society.
But this conclusion does not take place only in the real world, ie in the same house in America.
may attend all those who have their own avatar in Second Life . And this year, the virtual platform in which any citizen can bring a parallel to real life, will have a replica of the facilities prepared for the celebration by the Ministry Industry as well as many activities: contests, sweepstakes, debates, dance, costume party, etc. While those who only participate if they have not already, create a replica of themselves in the Second Life program, which is accessed through the website secondlife.com .
however, apply in person at events organized has its advantages over the virtual world. The dialogue between generations and power of Latin American communication in the Information Society and Knowledge will be the cornerstones of the planned activities. Red.es has organized sessions on the 25 funniest sites on the most useful, round tables, ... and learn tricks, and ways of helping oneself against possible threats from the network; be known urban legends circulating on the Internet , etc. Although these activities may also be followed through the website Plan Avanza.
The importance of this day also gains in Latin America is seen in blogs like El Pinto, where we find the initiative to free calls in Panama, or on the blog of the Catholic University Peru: PUCP .
The event will be chaired by Joan Clos, Minister of Industry. Julio Linares, General Manager of Coordination, Business Development and Synergies, Telefónica also be present, as Enrique Gonzalez Bueno, president of College of Telecommunications Engineers.
Clarification of the video : the mobile broadband is already established in Spain. In fact, the blog Information Society and eGovernment , Rafael Chamorro, he explained, to November 29, 2006 (and based on the words of Mariano Gonzalez, Director Public Administration Sector of Telefonica of Spain), that of the 46.1 million mobile accesses already existing in our country, 0.5% are mobile broadband connections. "Figures, he adds, which show that society is becoming, and a connected society."
photo obtained from casamerica.es
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