Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Redness On My Shins Toes Turn Black

Culture and piracy

Piracy "Yes, or pirating it? This is the question that although we making for some time, now becomes apparent in the wake of the new advertising campaign created by the Ministry of Culture for 2007. Quite a few bloggers, both digital media of all kinds, referring to it. For example, in world, there is the reflection of Sergio Rodriguez, one of the authors of the blog The Amber . Ignacio School also guides us through his blog for the battle against piracy:

The piracy - theft or destruction of property anybody, within which there is to tell the private (CD-ROM recording) and "street" (known as "top manta") are trying to combat since April 2005. . Since then, already launched two campaigns, most recently under the theme "against piracy, defend your culture" . And as explained in the press service of the Moncloa , is inserted into the Comprehensive Plan reduction and elimination of activities that infringe intellectual property (PDF format. 172 KB), better known as Anti-Piracy Plan , approved by the Government on April 8, 2005.

To get a general idea, the actions that were raised were:

If surfing the web you will also find NO to piracy, proclaimed, for example, Telecinco, including one of the twelve causes it defends during the twelve months of the year

or just videos, they say stop piracy

not little that the Ministry of Culture has invested in this project, almost 3 million euros ( just a little more than what it costs us a disk) to which we must add the amount spent last year. This will cost us all, but the question is worth buying a disc in a store? or maybe the question should be: should we do?

On the one hand, it is true that the record companies depend on selling the discs, eat largely thanks to the money they get from it. And, of course, that there are a number of people to copy these original discs and sell the copies at a price of "bargain" (in quotes because prices rise as the foam, even in this the "top manta") as bad for them. The paradox comes when we realize that those people who resell also eat through that because it is usually of immigrants who know exactly where to find, not just in a big studio with lots of technical means, but the subway, in front of the sun ... and always ready, not to record, but to run.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Waterpik Instead Offloss

The silence is going to end!

I speak and you listen, I write and you read what I write, I say something that you do not agree and you shut up ... this , though it may seem outrageous now, not so long ago that happened. The issuer was the issuer and therefore the bearer of the message and as a result, the speaker, wrote or said. For its part, the receiver , was that included the message sent, which in the end, listening, reading and bit his tongue against certain comments. But with the advent of Internet and digital media, and could begin to say (like what happened to the "rub" when it created the dishwasher): receiving and silence are going to die!

And we do not live in a traditional society with a traditional communication, in which the flow of information flows in one direction, now, we live in Information Society , which will flow but again and again to go and then come again, and so relentlessly. Or perhaps when we go into a forum hope that our comments will be accepted by all ... acclaimed and praised by the masses? because, of course, that while there are people who share it, many others will not.

Digital media, ie media that have found your site on the Web to be successful among the Internet and be bound, must have an essential quality of digital communication: the interactivity, which is that we are speaking. This can be seen in the forums, chat rooms, digital interviews, commentaries on the news, citizen journalism, polls, ... among others.

not only the mainstream media such as,, the, etc have this opportunity to share ...




Interactivity esacio win, but why? To understand, respond to a series of questions:

1 º) Would you like to talk to that actor, singer, writer , filmmaker, athlete, etc. 've always wanted to know? or simply, "a psychologist , a doctor or a lawyer to consult your doubts without leaving home or office?

2 º) Would you comment on the news you're interested or concerned about?

3 º) Sounds good to show everyone something that has happened in your neighborhood in your city, or even something you has happened to yourself, and you think may be of general interest? I, journalist

4 º) Would you share your knowledge and opinions about current issues? Or would you like to comment on how bad "Al" is behaving with Bea to deceive - "Yo soy Bea" - , or perhaps a chat, if someone is still watching the series, on how things are at the Santa Justa ?

respusta If all these questions is "YES", then you are, or want to be a contributor to every rule, and you could not live without the interaction. You waited anxiously for the moment to play a role in communication, become what is now called "a citizen journalist."

If your answer to all is "NO", then the Internet world will not win much with you. Believe that such technological developments will make them fall into oblivion books, newspapers ... For you, the interactivity is to talk, respond, act ... with others, but in person.

However, there is no need to cling to the ends. In fact, some scholars such as Bill Gates , get even you, that you cling to NO without hesitation, began to rely a bit more on digital media and online in general.

Iñaki Gil .- He predicted many times the convergence of different media in a single device. Even short life has assured the DVD. But what do you think the future of books and newspapers? Do you think that they will retain a utility specific cultural referents of opinion or, conversely, disappear altogether?

Bill Gates: Of course, use much paper and notebooks. But you have to link the use of paper with the disappearance of forests. So you have to move towards less use of paper. In addition, students can save money on books. That will happen in five or ten years. (Forum 2004)

Think that interactivity is a match, a message that does not fall on deaf ears -Although it may seem, especially after an experience like my own, because I participated in a digital interview and my question is not answered. But in general, and referring to an example made by Paloma G ª-Consuegra on your blog the roof of the tangled ) the interactivity is like a letter in a bottle reaches billion of costs where there is always at least one castaway to pick it up.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Silicone Hydrogel Rewetting Drops

feel, smell, taste ...

As discussed in previous "posts" in recent years, blogs have been populating the Web, so that we can find them in all colors, shapes, types and most important, issues.

I'm surprised, but the way it should always take place, the complete renovation of some blogs. Perhaps many people it may seem hard to have to write one or even several entries each day, but of course, that's what. In fact, already been created "kangaroos" of blogs , yes, yes, kangaroos, such as caring for children. Blogs seem to be like this: one can not confuse them because in a time lost, fall, ... Although such upgrade is the Book of Letters , daily including the best content from the Web in English only Taracido Marcos today, one of the authors of this blog has already written five letters, as he calls them. And in his blog we can find references to both global warming and the invasion of Iraq, passing many interesting links to other blogs.

"The Blog is a pre-pizza: is added above the pre-cooked dough and any content made to taste (more than or less mozzarella, peppers, ham, olives or whatever you want, put in the oven, and voila. Anyone can make a pizza from a pre-pizza ... "just like that, this is a blog for the physician, educator and writer Luis Alberto Lecuna. He, like many other bloggers journalists, Alberto Cairo , Ismael or Nafría Kevin Sites, reality shows, yes, seen from your eyes, because, as he says: "reality does not exist, so there is the perception of it we have" .

If you click on this link , uncover Iraq through the eyes of an Iraqi girl aged 27 (you can also go to the original blog, in English, Baghdad Burning). And is that after all, the network and in particular blogs, are like a window full of glasses with different diotrías, and we can all probárnoslas, quedárnoslas if we like how it looks, and if not, move on to others.

Other blogs are those that track a certain situation or conflict. These are especially those written by soldiers during a war, who relate their experiences, such as soldier Buzzell Colbv specialist makes us reach under the name "My War. Killing time in Iraq. "

But not only can keep track of a conflict, as well, such are the expeditions. In this vein, the blog more cold world brings us to Antarctica. It aims to be a daily blog, but during an expedition, there are days when circumstances of the trip can not write a post.
Watching this scene, we can not say that one can not report everything, because through blogging, it is possible. And we can travel to distant lands, engage in a conflict, understand what others feel ... but yes, through a blog we can never smell, taste, hear, feel in our own skin.

How Much Electricity Does A Foreman Grill Use

YouTube and Social Networking

After devoting some time to watch the videos winners of this year has launched YouTube - 2006 Youtube Video Awards - is amazing how the Internet and specifically social networks (or social networking ) have been making space in homes around the world. Videos, there is something for everyone: music, cartoons, humorous, endearing ... of Indeed, one of the ones I liked (from the seven champions) has been to the embraces, yes, already seen a little ad ... but is that whereas he was ready, the is real, spontaneous

Also can delight our ears with new voices that seek to break into the music world on YouTube and seen a door to fame:

This competition, for those who want to participate next year, gives awards in several categories: the most creative video , to best comedy, best to comment , the best music video , the best series , to more edifying or inspiring and more adorable or charming .
But if you do not hear about this contest is now beginning to build your own video, which may get to be a winner. But the important thing is that you will share your wit, your imagination, with all the virtual community.

Community Service Letter From A Company

The birthday blog

10 years are those that meet this April the 'blog'. Since I first wrote Dave Winner in 1997 his "Scripting News", a blog about technology and journalism. Maybe some ye think that the father of the blog was Tim Berners Lee, with his "What's new in '92" and the answer is yes, if we consider as the first weblog the first website. Something that was born in a very basic and in short time has become a social phenomenon. Technorati, the search engine for blogs has already indexed 73.2 million, which continue to grow. If this continues to increase, that blogs can come to meet many more years than all of us ... and as they say in these cases to pass many more!

I Need Help In A Crosswordpuzzle

II International Congress of Blogs and Journalism at the Red

soon, namely 25 and April 26 will be held the II International Congress on Blogs and Journalism on the Web. It is organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. And will cover topics such as:
The current state of journalism and its relationship with the Network, the expansion of the blog phenomenon, both in the media environment and in society itself, the professional journalism and trends new digital technologies, and new genres and innovative encodings seen on the internet. And the teaching journalism and media to new digital technologies.
For more information, please visit the conference web .