As discussed in previous "posts" in recent years, blogs have been populating the Web, so that we can find them in all colors, shapes, types and most important, issues.
I'm surprised, but the way it should always take place, the complete renovation of some blogs. Perhaps many people it may seem hard to have to write one or even several entries each day, but of course, that's what. In fact, already been created "kangaroos" of blogs , yes, yes, kangaroos, such as caring for children. Blogs seem to be like this: one can not confuse them because in a time lost, fall, ... Although such upgrade is the Book of Letters , daily including the best content from the Web in English only Taracido Marcos today, one of the authors of this blog has already written five letters, as he calls them. And in his blog we can find references to both global warming and the invasion of Iraq, passing many interesting links to other blogs.
"The Blog is a pre-pizza: is added above the pre-cooked dough and any content made to taste (more than or less mozzarella, peppers, ham, olives or whatever you want, put in the oven, and voila. Anyone can make a pizza from a pre-pizza ... "just like that, this is a blog for the physician, educator and writer Luis Alberto Lecuna. He, like many other bloggers journalists, Alberto Cairo , Ismael or Nafría Kevin Sites, reality shows, yes, seen from your eyes, because, as he says: "reality does not exist, so there is the perception of it we have" .
If you click on this link , uncover Iraq through the eyes of an Iraqi girl aged 27 (you can also go to the original blog, in English, Baghdad Burning). And is that after all, the network and in particular blogs, are like a window full of glasses with different diotrías, and we can all probárnoslas, quedárnoslas if we like how it looks, and if not, move on to others.
I'm surprised, but the way it should always take place, the complete renovation of some blogs. Perhaps many people it may seem hard to have to write one or even several entries each day, but of course, that's what. In fact, already been created "kangaroos" of blogs , yes, yes, kangaroos, such as caring for children. Blogs seem to be like this: one can not confuse them because in a time lost, fall, ... Although such upgrade is the Book of Letters , daily including the best content from the Web in English only Taracido Marcos today, one of the authors of this blog has already written five letters, as he calls them. And in his blog we can find references to both global warming and the invasion of Iraq, passing many interesting links to other blogs.

If you click on this link , uncover Iraq through the eyes of an Iraqi girl aged 27 (you can also go to the original blog, in English, Baghdad Burning). And is that after all, the network and in particular blogs, are like a window full of glasses with different diotrías, and we can all probárnoslas, quedárnoslas if we like how it looks, and if not, move on to others.

Other blogs are those that track a certain situation or conflict. These are especially those written by soldiers during a war, who relate their experiences, such as soldier Buzzell Colbv specialist makes us reach under the name "My War. Killing time in Iraq. "
But not only can keep track of a conflict, as well, such are the expeditions. In this vein, the blog more cold world brings us to Antarctica. It aims to be a daily blog, but during an expedition, there are days when circumstances of the trip can not write a post.
Watching this scene, we can not say that one can not report everything, because through blogging, it is possible. And we can travel to distant lands, engage in a conflict, understand what others feel ... but yes, through a blog we can never smell, taste, hear, feel in our own skin.
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